Quick, Secure, Reliable & Affordable
Solutions to Your Success in World Trade!
Do you want to export to the enormous US market? Do you want to get your product a "trade passport" for entering and being freely circulated in the entire EFTA & European Union (EU) single market (totally 30 countries)? Do you want to export to the ever growing China market, with more than 20% of the world consumers?
If you answer "Yes", then let Wellkang Consultants help you! A world leading consulting team can provide Quick, Secure, Reliable and Affordable solutions to your success in international trade! We can assist you multi-lingually in the following areas:
CE Marking (CE Mark). CE Marking, is also called sometimes "CE Mark" or "CE-Marking", as shown in the left, is a mandatory mark for many of the products circulated on the EFTA & European Union (EU) single market (totally 30 countries) and it is often referred as the "Trade Passport to Europe" for non-EU products. CE Marking may be obtained through registering your product in any one of the EU member countries. CE Marking obtained from one EU country is valid for the entire EU plus EFTA market.
>> click to learn more
REACH Compliance. On October 29, 2003 the European Commission adopted a proposal for a new EU regulatory framework for chemicals called REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals). REACH is considered as the world's strictest chemicals law. It is one of the largest-ever EU laws put together by the EU and it will shift responsibilities of collecting chemical security information from regulators to enterprises. This new regulation obliges the producers to register about 30,000 chemical substances placed (produced or imported) on the European single market. Many of the chemicals are substances used in everyday products such as cosmetics, toys and building materials, etc. Eventually, chemicals covered by this new regulation will not be allowed to enter the European market without the compliance to REACH regulations.
If you manufacture, import, or use chemicals, or import articles, the pre-registration period 1 June 2008 – 1 December 2008 is a critical time for your business. Companies from outside the EU can not register substances themselves, they can appoint an Only Representative within EU. Please visit www.REACHor.com to learn more...
WEEE & ROHS Compliance. European Union's WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste of Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE) has become effective. The producers became financially responsible for the compliance to the directive since August 13, 2005. The WEEE Directive obligates the producers of EEE to register in every individual EU country. Are you already registered?
Visit www.WEEEregistry.com or here to learn more...
Products shipped to the EU after July 1, 2006 must comply also with the RoHS directive. RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC limits the use of six hazardous substances, including lead (Pb), Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, PBBs, and PBDEs in many products and components.
Manufacturers are fully accountable for ensuring that their products are in compliance. Failure to comply with the requirements of the WEEE & RoHS Regulations will result in the removal of manufacturers' products from the EU market place, even leads the manufacturers to prosecution. Are you ready for the WEEE & RoHS? Let Wellkang Consultants help you! >>
CCC Mark- China Compulsory Certification mark. Implemented on May 1, 2002 and became fully effective on August 1 2003, the CCC Mark- China Compulsory Certification mark (as shown on the left) will be required for a wide range of manufactured products related to human life and health, animals, plants, environmental protection and national security. According to Chinese laws and Regulation for Compulsory Product Certification, any product covered by the catalogue (in 19 groups divided into totally 132 product categories) should acquire the CCC mark before it can be marketed, imported or used for any commercial purposes in China.
Starting on August 1, 2003, imported products without CCC mark may be held at the border by Chinese Customs and subject to other penalties. Component parts of a manufacturer's finished products may in some cases require CCC certification; in these cases, the component manufacturer is generally required to apply for the CCC mark.
As a world-leading consulting group in CCC mark, Wellkang Tech Consulting provides worldwide clients with professional, reliable and cost-effective services in acquiring the CCC mark for their products. >> click to learn more